

Top Clients Reviews


The Kyte Milk’s buttermilk really reminds me of my childhood days where our Nani used to make ‘Chaas’ at our native place with purely extracted cow's milk. This nostalgia, tastes superbly delicious!.

Founder of Homeopathy Miracles
(Practitioner – Counsellor | Homeopath | Cosmetologist | Life & Wellness Coach | Trichologist | Subconscious Trainer | Graphologist | Holistic Healer)
(Dr. Meenakshi Jain)

I was unaware of the quality proportion of milk before & after it’s pasteurisation. Now that I’m aware of its process, I highly acknowledge raw milk for being healthier than pasteurised milk. And hence I immediately switched to raw milk for the betterment of my kids and family. I seem to have been feeling healthier & happier for considering this right consumption!.

Owner & Managing Director of New Era Fabrics Ltd.
(Mr. Rajan Agarwal)

Recently I got to know about A2 Ghee which is actually an organic ghee, produced from the milk of desi cows. I have been using this for a few weeks and the taste along with the texture is - amazing! They use an ancient Vedic ritual called the "Bilona" method to produce pure ghee which makes us connect back to our Indian roots..

Co-founder of VegeTales
(Mrs. Sejal Dedhia)

I have switched from normal milk to A2 Milk since I got to know that it is derived from our desi cows. It provides one with raw milk with a source of protein that’s essential for our body. The taste and quality of Kyte milk is really great!.

Proprietor of Riddhi Diagnostic centre.
(MD Pathologist)
(Dr. Rashmin K Jain)

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Maecenas est dui, commodo a rutrum eget, interdum vel lorem. Aliquam euismod dapibus turpis, vitae placerat purus vestibulum non. Pellentesque ut nisi viverra, dictum nisi sed.


    What our clients say


    The Kyte Milk’s buttermilk really reminds me of my childhood days where our Nani used to make ‘Chaas’ at our native place with purely extracted cow's milk. This nostalgia, tastes superbly delicious!

    Founder of Homeopathy Miracles
    (Practitioner – Counsellor | Homeopath | Cosmetologist | Life & Wellness Coach | Trichologist | Subconscious Trainer | Graphologist | Holistic Healer)
    (Dr. Meenakshi Jain)

    I was unaware of the quality proportion of milk before & after it’s pasteurisation. Now that I’m aware of its process, I highly acknowledge raw milk for being healthier than pasteurised milk. And hence I immediately switched to raw milk for the betterment of my kids and family. I seem to have been feeling healthier & happier for considering this right consumption!

    Owner & Managing Director of New Era Fabrics Ltd.
    (Mr. Rajan Agarwal)

    Recently I got to know about A2 Ghee which is actually an organic ghee, produced from the milk of desi cows. I have been using this for a few weeks and the taste along with the texture is - amazing! They use an ancient Vedic ritual called the "Bilona" method to produce pure ghee which makes us connect back to our Indian roots.

    Co-founder of VegeTales
    (Mrs. Sejal Dedhia)

    I have switched from normal milk to A2 Milk since I got to know that it is derived from our desi cows. It provides one with raw milk with a source of protein that’s essential for our body. The taste and quality of Kyte milk is really great!

    Proprietor of Riddhi Diagnostic centre.
    (MD Pathologist)
    (Dr. Rashmin K Jain)

    Morbi viverra volutpat ex, id pellentesque felis volutpat eu. Duis et tellus imperdiet, lacinia risus id, tincidunt ipsum. Integer euismod elit vel nibh commodo, at consequat nisl rhoncus. Etiam mattis laoreet leo sed accumsan. Aliquam tempor lorem odio, non aliquam nunc egestas in.

    Stefanie Rashford

    Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Morbi viverra volutpat ex, id pellentesque felis volutpat eu. Etiam mattis laoreet leo sed accumsan. Fusce tincidunt in leo lacinia condimentum.

    Patric Stone

    Maecenas ultricies felis sit amet libero scelerisque, ut eleifend leo mattis. Aliquam porta facilisis metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id nisi id enim molestie varius. Aenean sed posuere lorem, Mauris vulputate eget arcu ut posuere.

    Hugo James

    Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Fusce tincidunt in leo lacinia condimentum. Donec placerat, orci vel consequat mattis, sapien lacus pretium mi, sed lacinia dolor nibh non mi.

    Cassie Carleton

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam facilisis at turpis eu faucibus. In dignissim, enim eu ornare aliquet, metus ex tempor neque, sit amet efficitur turpis lorem et odio.Praesent placerat vel felis ac varius. Vestibulum euismod commodo posuere.

    Coby Sue

    Donec placerat, orci vel consequat mattis, sapien lacus pretium mi, sed lacinia dolor nibh non mi. Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Fusce tincidunt in leo lacinia condimentum.

    Fredrick Yolonda

    Duis et tellus imperdiet, lacinia risus id, tincidunt ipsum. Integer euismod elit vel nibh commodo, at consequat nisl rhoncus. Aliquam tempor lorem odio, non aliquam nunc egestas in. Aenean quam augue, semper eu aliquam eget, sagittis ut dui. Suspendisse nisi lectus.

    Sebastian Sampson

    Aenean quam augue, semper eu aliquam eget, sagittis ut dui. Suspendisse nisi lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam facilisis at turpis eu faucibus. In dignissim, enim eu ornare aliquet, metus ex tempor neque, sit amet efficitur turpis lorem et odio.

    Nancy Addison